Non Destructive Testing Services (NDT)
GTC provides comprehensive scope of professional NDT for concrete structures and deep foundations including both driven and drilled piles on land and off-shore.
Deep Foundation Tests:
Pile integrity test.
Cross hole sonic logging test / thermal profiling method.
High strain dynamic testing.
Caliper logging.
Static load tests on instrumented files (compression & tension).
Bidirectional static loading test (O-Cell).
Instrumentation of piles (strain, gauges, load cells, tell tales,...).
Pile lateral load tests.
Concrete Integrity / Deteriology Investigations (State Condition Surveys)
Impact echo-determination of determination of flaws in concert.
Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV).
Ground penetration radar (GPR) for concrete applications.
Chloride profiling (sample cutting only).
Crack detection & monitoring (CDM), including UPV crack depth detection.
Quality Control Special Testing
Load testing of ground anchors, soil nails and tie backs.
Plate and zone load tests with instrumentation and monitoring.
Bridge and slab load tests with instrumentation and monitoring.